Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Twitter Tips from SmallBizTrends.com

Small Business Trends (www.smallbiztrends.com) asked its readers for their best Twitter Tips. The feedback must have been overwhelming, because the list ended up with a whopping 137 recommendations! If you don’t have time to read all of “137 Small Business Twitter Tips” 29 pages, no worries…read my Top Ten List!
Rachel, Baying Hound
Web: www.bayinghound.com
Twitter: @bayinghound
“Use linked in contacts or your business card collection to look up and follow people in your field: vendors, peers, and, importantly, competitors. Then, browse through who they are tweeting with and add those people. Join the conversations and tweet questions of your own.”

Heather Smith, MYOB Trainer
Twitter: @myobtrainer
“Alternate between something relevant to your business and something irrelevant. I work in the accounting world, so I tweet comments on the budget, tax season, an opportunity that clients may like etc. I then will tweet about something positive, upbeat, but irrelevant to my business…my passion fruits have come into season and they are yummy…”
Joseph Manna, Infusionsoft
Web: www.infusionsoft.com
Twitter: @JoeManna
“Commit. Don’t just Tweet and neglect it, focus and commit yourself to at least a half-hour a day to discovering and Tweeting.”

Yiana, DIY SiteExpressWeb: www.diysiteexpress.com
“Always keep up with your business branding! This means creating a custom Twitter background that shows your brand. You can get tips and a free template in a recent blog article that I wrote “Brand Recognition: Creating a Custom Twitter Background” http://tiny.cc/NGWJA”

Paul Rosenfeld, Fanminder
Web: http://fanminder.com/
Twitter: @fanminder
“My favorite tip is how to use Twitter to find new customers. I first use Google and type “Twitter for ______” and fill in the blank with a vertical that might use Twitter - for example, restaurants. I typically get a few articles that are round-up articles of all restaurants in a given city using Twitter. Then I follow these restaurants and engage in conversations with them - we’ve gotten one customer so far this way and I expect we can generate many or even most of our new customers in the next six months this way.”

Jeannette McCreight
Twitter: @mccr8
“Don’t be all about business; share the human side of your company.”

Katasha Butler, K Sherrie and Company
Web: www.ksherrieco.com
Twitter: @ksherrieco
“Please do not use Twitter for one long commercial about your company. We don’t want to always hear about you, you, you: what you did, what your company is doing, and what your company wants to do. Be interactive, ask questions and be the mensch. Otherwise—you’re unfollowed!”

Tim Milburn
Web: http://studentlinc.typepad.com/
Twitter: @timage
“A quality “T.W.E.E.T. is: Timely, Worth-reading, Educational, Entertaining, and Tweople-connecting.”

Lisa Sonora Beam, CreativeEntrepreneur
Web: www.thecreativeentrepreneur.biz
Twitter: @LisaSonoraBeam
“Be sure to RT others first and often. What goes around...”

Lisa Picarille
Web: www.lisapicarille.com
Twitter: @lisap
“I recommend checking twitter first thing in the morning so you can respond to any questions or join in conversations. Then I typically wait about two hours and then limit my time to only 10 minutes. I do searches on keywords I care about and have some alerts already set up. I also look at my @ replies. I don’t usually look again until lunch time. And again, I limit my time to 10 minutes. I follow that about every two hours.”

Now go follow these Twitterific people! I’m off to do so as well.

Link to “137 Small Business Twitter Tips” from Small Business Trends:

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