Thursday, April 22, 2010

My Blog & I Are Just Rolling with It.

When I started this blog, my goal was to write about marketing hot topics, all in an effort to complement my trail towards Marketing Guruhood. However, as I wrestle with post ideas, it seems I’m more drawn to stories about coming of age professionally instead of the latest marketing trends.

I enjoy marketing as a profession, and I yearn to learn more about it. That’s why I went back to school for a graduate degree. That’s why I subscribe to newsletters and buy the latest Seth Godin books. But on this blogging journey, I’m discovering it’s not exactly what drives me to write.

It seems I’m intrigued by the trials and tribulations of young professionals. I’m fascinated by my friends’ discussions on career hardships and if they’ll ever get that corner office. I’m captivated by my colleagues’ accomplishments and how they plan to continue accumulating them. I’m engaged in my girlfriends’ struggles with starting families and contemplating leaving the corporate world for mommyhood.

I want to explore these topics, learn from them, and share them. Because regardless of our career fields, young professionals seem to have the same frustrations, ambitions, successes and failures.

So is it ok for me to change my initial direction? Do I need to start a new blog with a new title to reflect this? Or can I just roll with it?

I’m rolling with it. This blog is a work in progress, and I’m learning what works and what doesn’t. But that’s pretty much everything in life, right?

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely!

    You have to write about what moves you. As long as you are writing the truth, it will serve you well and help you grow into the person you want to be (as well as help you determine who you are!).

    I'm not exactly a 'young professional', but I very much enjoy your writing and am willing to follow your thoughts. Let's go for a ride!
