Monday, March 8, 2010

Marketing Guru or Bust

When you're 12, you think life should be figured out by 20. Then you hit 25, and you realize you're still a baby in the world, you begin to understand nothing works out the way you think (sometimes for the better), and you wonder how everyone else has choosen a career path when you get dizzy just thinking about it.

I'm 27, on the verge of 28, and I've adjusted to the dizziness and think I know what I want to do with my professional life. Maybe. At least I've narrowed it down to the very focused area of marketing (sense the sarcasm here). At least that's a start, right?

So here goes my journey towards becoming a marketing guru. I hope to record my triumphs and sulk in my failures, while sharing some valuable lessons learned and marketing knowledge acquired. Stay tuned.

In the meantime, I'll be figuring out exactly what I mean by marketing guru...

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