Wednesday, March 10, 2010

My Twitter Purpose

Twitter, tweet, twypo (ok, I made that one up)...bottom line, Twitter buzz words are everywhere. Most businesses know they should have a presence on Twitter, yet very few have a purpose. And until recently, I was operating under that same mindset, and my Twitter account was stagnant.

But I've now recognized my Twitter purpose, and I'm hoping to cross platforms with this blog, all in the attempt to broaden my reach and garner more knowledge on my ultimate quest. (Marketing Guru or Bust!...I like to chant it sometimes, to keep myself motivated.)

A few times a day I post links to informative and interesting marketing articles (at least in my opinion!) to my followers. However, in the rush of a busy work day, I'll admit I sometimes don't even read all the articles myself! The work in finding that information certainly isn't paying off, and I've recognized the need to be committed to learning more about current marketing trends.

So here is my pledge: for one article I post on my Twitter account per day, I will write on my blog a synopsis and hopefully add some additional insight and knowledge from other marketing professionals. Perhaps we can all add a little something to our marketing repertoire this way!

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